Posts by Siobhan Lendzionowksi

Siobhan Lendzionowksi is a Leadership Support Manager for Patient Experience within the National Patient Experience Team, which is part of the Nursing Directorate.
She has previously worked for Leeds Community Health NHS Trust; Yorkshire and Humber SHA, Leeds PCT; ran a community health development charity in Leeds for five years; worked in local government homelessness hostels; a domestic violence department and the private sector.
Siobhan left nursing in 1991.
Her career highlights include setting up a new domestic violence organisation that still runs today.
She has also implemented a patient experience and engagement assurance framework across 65 services.
Other highlights include successfully managing a £500,000 friends and family pathfinder programme of work in a region and successfully producing a nutrition and hydration commissioning guidance document with a group of national experts, CCG commissioners and NHS Colleagues whom were a fragmented group with different opinions and are now working successfully together to make major changes to commissioning.