Diabetes pathway

The diabetes pathway defines the core components of an optimal diabetes service for people with or at risk of developing Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes that delivers the better value in terms of outcomes and cost.

The diabetes pathway has been developed in collaboration with the National Clinical Director for Diabetes and Obesity, Jonathan Valabhji, Associate National Clinical Director for Diabetes, Partha Kar, the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme, Public Health England, Diabetes UK and a range of other stakeholders.

The pathway shows the core components of an optimal diabetes service, evidence of the opportunity to reduce variation and improve outcomes and the key evidence-based interventions which the system should focus on for greatest improvement, supported by practice examples from across the NHS.

The pathway allows commissioners to think about their existing diabetes service and compare it with an optimal diabetes service. It provides guidance for commissioners about the scale of improvements that could be delivered through optimization of local pathways.

Local health economies can use this product to structure their local improvement discussions, particularly during the ‘What to Change’ phase of their RightCare work.

Appendix 1: Examples of good practice

This resource outlines examples of models of integrated care between primary and secondary care, and contains useful links and resources.

This resource can be used as a guide for commissioners (and providers) in implementing integrated care in their local areas. It should be read in conjunction with NHS RightCare Pathway: Diabetes

Diabetes and Learning Disability: reasonable adjustments needed along a diabetes pathway

Produced in collaboration with the NHS England Learning Disability team, the NHS RightCare Pathway for Diabetes: reasonable adjustments for people with a learning disability has been produced for use by commissioners to understand and apply these across this pathway.

The types of reasonable adjustments are seen to be particularly essential at tests and investigations; structured support programmes; weight management programmes; supported self-management of diabetes; and personalised care planning.

For commissioners, reasonable adjustments support the understating of your population, increases the uptake of Health Checks, avoids unnecessary hospital admissions and lengthy hospital stays; supports a healthy lifestyle for all and provides structured education and self-management for everyone in your population affected by diabetes.

This document has been developed by experts by experience and a range of stakeholders involved in the care and support of people with a learning disability.