Information on NHS services in London over the August Bank Holiday
This bank holiday weekend, Londoners should follow government advice on coronavirus to help protect themselves and others. This includes washing your hands with soap regularly, wearing a face covering in crowded places and on public transport and meeting outside where possible, or opening windows and doors for indoor visitors. For more information on government advice, visit
If you need medical help this weekend, please follow our advice:
If you or someone you live with has any of the main coronavirus symptoms (a high temperature, a new continuous cough, a loss or change in taste/smell):
- Stay at home and do not have visitors until you get your test result – only leave your home to have a test. Anyone you live with must also stay at home until you get your result.
- Get a PCR test to check if you have coronavirus as soon as possible. Call 119 or book online at uk/coronavirus.
- If your symptoms worsen, or you feel that you can’t manage at home, visit or call 111 if you don’t have access online.
If you or people you live with don’t have coronavirus symptoms and need medical advice:
- Contact your own GP practice to be assessed. If the practice isn’t open, call 111 or visit
- If an appointment or online/telephone consultation is necessary, you’ll be advised of the next steps.
- If you need urgent care, think 111 first. The NHS 111 service offers quick advice on the best option for you to get the care you need, including how to get expert advice. Contact 111 online or by phone, 24/7.
- Remember that A&E and 999 are for emergencies only.
If you need advice or medication from a pharmacist:
- For minor medical problems, many local pharmacies will be open and are able to help this weekend – although their opening times may be different.
- Check the opening times for pharmacies in your borough of London here:
There may be additional pharmacies open which are not listed. If the pharmacy you would like to visit is not listed here, you can check their opening hours at
If you or a member of your household has coronavirus symptoms, please do not visit a pharmacy. Stay at home and visit for information and advice.