Pregnant women in Surrey and Sussex urged to get free whooping cough vaccination
Health professionals from NHS England are urging pregnant women in Surrey and Sussex to get vaccinated against whooping cough. This will protect their new baby from birth, by passing on immunity from mother to child.
Young babies are particularly at risk and can’t be vaccinated themselves until two months of age. On average, around six out of every ten Surrey and Sussex pregnant women are vaccinated, but NHS England wants the other expectant mothers to protect their babies from whooping cough.
Dr Max Kammerling, Surrey and Sussex Screening and Immunisation Lead said: “Whooping cough is serious and can lead to pneumonia, brain damage and even death. You can protect your unborn baby from getting whooping cough in its first weeks after birth by having the whooping cough vaccination while you are pregnant.
“The best time to get vaccinated to protect your baby is from week 28 to week 38 of your pregnancy – between 28 and 32 weeks is best to pass on immunity. Talk to your midwife or GP and make an appointment to get vaccinated.”
To help fight the spread of disease in Surrey and Sussex, parents of children up to five years of age are also being encouraged to ensure their children are vaccinated against a range of serious diseases, like diphtheria, polio and measles, tetanus, meningitis C and rotavirus.
Dr Max Kammerling added: “Vaccination is an important step in protecting your child against a range of serious and potentially fatal diseases. Vaccinations are quick, safe and extremely effective. Once your child has been vaccinated against a disease, their body can fight it more effectively.
“You may be concerned that too many vaccines at a young age could “overload” your child’s immune system, but this really isn’t the case. Studies have shown that vaccines don’t weaken a child’s immune system.
“It’s never too late to have your child immunised. Even if your child has missed an immunisation and is older than the recommended ages, talk to your doctor, GP practice nurse or health visitor to arrange for your child to be immunised.”
- Find out more about childhood vaccinations