Innovative Cranbrook GP practice aims to offer patients more flexibility
An innovative GP practice will make it easier for Cranbrook residents to get help from a GP by early 2015.
A specification for the new service has been finalised, written in conjunction with Cranbrook residents and NHS England is now advertising for a provider to run the service. A pharmacy is also planned for the surgery when it opens.
A preferred supplier is expected to be chosen by the autumn. The service will be based at the Younghayes Community Centre.
Caroline Stead, Contract Manager for NHS England (Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly) said:
“The specification for the new GP service has been informed by the local community who want their practice to be as innovative as possible.
“We want the practice to have longer opening hours, from 8am to 8pm, for it to be open seven days a week and offer appointments over skype. The key thing here is maximum flexibility for patients.
“We appreciate the need for a new practice and are working as quickly as possible to get this new practice up and running.”
Meanwhile, Pinhoe Surgery is continuing to register patients from Cranbrook. Any resident can register and attend the Pinhoe branch surgery in nearby Broadclyst.