Cardiac surgery at St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Two reports are today published by NHS Improvement that document historic care failings in the Cardiac Surgery Unit at St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust between 2013 and 2018 and set out action taken to improve and ensure safe care. They are being considered at the public board meeting at the trust today.
The findings of the Independent External Mortality Review* concludes there were significant shortcomings in the care of 102 patients, and that for 67 patients they either probably, most likely, or definitely contributed to their deaths.
St George’s University Hospitals Trust has offered an unreserved apology to the families of all those whose death was contributed to by failings in their care.
The report has been formally referred to the medical profession’s regulator the General Medical Council who is being asked by NHS Improvement to consider whether regulatory action is warranted.
The Trust has spoken and written to the families of all patients whose care was reviewed, to share the results as well as to offer a meeting and support.
NHS Improvement also appointed an Independent Scrutiny Panel to sit alongside the Trust as it implemented a large number of actions to ensure services were safe. This report outlines both progress the Trust has made as well as further recommendations.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspected the trust between July and December 2019 and found that significant improvements had been made by the hospital’s new senior leadership team.
Enhanced oversight of the unit is being maintained using the powers available to NHS Improvement in London, and a package of support measures is in place to ensure there is continued progress and improvement.
Sir David Sloman
Regional Director for the NHS in London
*The Independent External Mortality Review, announced by NHS Improvement London in January 2019, follows two earlier reports into the care provided at the Trust.
St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has now been removed from quality special measures.