From 1 April 2019, NHS England and NHS Improvement have aligned to operate as a single organisation. In the North of England, it means the creation of two new regions to better support the NHS and help improve care for patients at a local level.
We exist to support healthcare commissioning and delivery and to provide professional leadership for finance, nursing, medical and specialised commissioning. We also play a key role in the assurance and delivery process of foundation trusts and NHS trusts, as well as independent providers that provide NHS-funded care. We offer the support these providers need to give patients consistently safe, high quality, compassionate care within local health systems that are financially sustainable.
We want everyone to have greater control of their health and their wellbeing, and to be supported to live longer, healthier lives by high quality health and care services that are compassionate, inclusive and constantly-improving. For more information in your local area, please visit the relevant page below.