We lead the NHS in England to deliver high quality services for all

If you are looking for information about health conditions and NHS services please visit NHS.uk.

My Planned Care gives you advice and support while you wait and helps you to prepare for your hospital consultation, treatment, or surgery.

Change NHS

Help build a health service fit for the future.

Your views and ideas will shape a new 10-Year Health Plan for the NHS.

This is a once in a generation opportunity to set the NHS on a path for the future. Together we can fix it. We need your voice.

Go to change.nhs.uk to find out how you can take part.

A nurse stands by a hospital bed talking to a patient

2025/26 priorities and operational planning guidance

Our national planning guidance for 2025/26 sets out the priorities for the NHS to transform services, cut waiting times and improve care for our patients across England.

Elective care

How we are improving experience and giving people choice and control for elective care services.


How we can put the NHS workforce on a sustainable footing and meet future challenges.

Mental health

Improving outcomes and experiences of people with mental health problems.

Integrated care

Giving people the support they need and removing disjointed care.


Making sure everyone with cancer receives care, support and treatment.

Primary care

Offering patients a wider choice of personalised health services.


The new, single, shared NHS improvement approach.

NHS @home

Providing better connected, more personalised care in homes and care homes.

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