Our vision and mission
Our role as the East of England Clinical Networks is to connect people and organisations, to create an environment that enables change and innovation to improve people’s health and wellbeing, so it is comparable with the best in the world.
The Clinical Networks mission is to bring together those who use, commission and provide services to improve outcomes for patients. Networks work across organisational boundaries to improve care for patients whose care is often provided by a number of organisations, using an integrated, whole system approach. Working in partnership, networks influence commissioning by:
- Highlighting and reducing unwarranted variation in health care
- Encouraging innovation in how services are provided now and in the future
- Providing clinical advice and leadership to support decision making and strategic planning
- Advise on standards of care
- Advise on care pathways
- Engine for change across complex system of care
- Whole system improvement
- Honest broker and critical friend
- Harness clinical leadership
- Create a forum to plan ahead