Useful contacts

Contact details for the Screening and Immunisation Teams, Health Protection Team, Community and School-Aged Immunisations Service (CSAIS) and Child Health Information Service providers are listed below for health care professionals use.

If you are a member of the public seeking information about NHS screening or immunisation programmes please go to the NHS website or speak to your GP, practice nurse or other health care professional.

East of England screening and immunisation team

For immunisation queries

For screening queries

Health Protection Team (HPT)

For any incident reported outside Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm that requires a response/action, please contact the Health Protection Team at UKSHA.

HPT provide support to health professionals, including:

  • local disease surveillance
  • alert systems
  • investigating and managing health protection incidents
  • national and local action plans for infectious diseases.


Tel: 0300 303 8537

Community and school-aged immunisation service (CSAIS)

In the East of England there are two providers that offer the UK vaccination programme to school aged children.

1. Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust (HCT)

The CSAIS teams offer the full UK vaccination programme to all school aged children in Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk and Suffolk.

They also provide BCG and At-Risk Hepatitis B vaccinations to babies and young children.  The team follow a yearly programme, and work with Vaccination UK (who deliver the influenza programme each year).

Seasonal Flu programme service information

The mainstream schools flu session (primary and secondary) are delivered by Vaccination UK across Hertfordshire, BLMK, Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk, Suffolk.

HCT CSAIS teams across these areas only deliver flu vaccinations to Special schools and Pupil referral Units/ESC’s and home educated children.

If a child misses flu vaccination in school (mainstream) they will need to contact Vaccination UK to arrange an appointment at one of their community clinics.

If a child in SEND/PRU/ESC settings, or home educated, misses flu vaccination then please contact the CSAIS team to book into clinic.

Hertfordshire and East Anglia Community and School Age Immunisation Service

Email Telephone
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough (mainstream school flu)

0300 555 5055

01480 275422


Norfolk (mainstream school flu)

0300 555 5055

01603 576320


Suffolk (mainstream school flu)

0300 555 5055

01449 701430

Hertfordshire and BLMK

Hertfordshire (mainstream school flu)

0300 555 5055

01462 427008

Bedford (mainstream school flu)

Central Bedfordshire (mainstream school flu)

For specific BCG/Hep B Enquiries [BCG Referral forms are available on the useful forms page}

2. Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT)

The Immunisation and Vaccination team consists of Registered Nurses and support staff.

The team works in partnership with schools and the local authorities to deliver the commissioned school aged based Immunisation Programme to all children attending schools (State and Independent) and young people who are home educated, across Essex.

Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust



Essex 0300 790 0594

Child Health Information Service (CHIS)

Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust (HCT)



East Anglia 0333 188 5398- Option 3
Essex 0333 188 5398- Option 1
Herts & BLMK 0333 188 5398- Option 2

Training hubs