Vaccination Programme latest news

Latest resources and updates July 2024

Flu Letter Amendment was published 18 June 2024, please read this letter as it contains important information regarding QIVr availability and alternative(s) for upcoming season.


RSV vaccination programmes for those aged 75 and over and pregnant women

The RSV programme materials have now been published:

Green Book chapter:

Guidance documents and training slide set for health care professionals:

Maternal vaccination leaflet and poster for sharing and the links to the .GOV.UK page and the health publications page where pre-order is open:

Older adult leaflet and poster for sharing and the links to the .GOV.UK page and the health publications page where pre-order is open:


The following Pertussis resources have now been published on the GOV.UK:

Please note that any potential pertussis cases need to be reported to the UKHSA Health Protection Team. The Health Protection Team will then advise further actions required.


Tel: 0300 303 8537



We have been informed by UKHSA colleagues that Nimenrix stock on Immform is running down quickly and the switch over date to MenQuadfi may happen earlier from mid-August 2024.

Ordering on ImmForm for MenQuadfi will be open before the switch over date and two products will be issued in parallel for a limited period of time.

We’ve also been notified that MenQuadfi comes in a vial not in a pre-filled syringe, therefore providers need to order syringes alongside needles via their local procurement process.

The following resources are now available on the GOV.UK.