What we do
Maternity Clinical Network – aims, objectives and core activities
The key aims and objectives of the South West Maternity Clinical Network include:
- support Local Maternity Systems to transform services and progress implementation of Local Maternity Transformation Plans
- foster a collaborative approach and bring together the maternity clinical and commissioning decision makers from each LMS, offering an opportunity to:
- access advice and encouragement for the implementation of national initiatives, including access to stakeholders with limited capacity to engage locally
- share and learn about both local and national best practice and to work collaboratively to facilitate cross boundary working
- reduce duplication and overcome challenges that can best be addressed at scale
- support LMS to develop and maintain systems and processes which identify and address health inequalities and aid each other and the wider system by way of reflection and challenge to unwarranted variation in outcomes
- facilitate the alignment of strategy across the South West and support the creation of seamless pathways between organisations and agencies and over transition points
- facilitate the effective use of data, intelligence and insight from the voice of women, their children and families and ensure that this is at the heart of decision making
- identify and work together on issues and challenges which can best be addressed at scale
- ensuring a holistic approach that supports activity and improvements in both physiological and emotional health and well-being, including delivery of community and specialist perinatal and infant mental health services.
Core activities of the South West Maternity Clinical Network include:
- Maintaining the South West LMS network and leading and overseeing the development of the LMS work programme in line with national and local LMS priorities, monitoring progress through peer review
- Promoting the development and delivery of best practice and evidence-based care, with an emphasis on safety, consistency and equitable high-quality service provision with seamless transitions in care across the whole care pathway
- Monitoring progress and effectiveness through contributing to and utilising local and national data and intelligence (including the SW Maternity Dashboard) to inform learning and action
- Working towards alignment of strategy and policy between LMS to maximise efficiency and minimise duplication and to work together to take up any opportunities to access external funding for service improvement
- Overseeing a co-ordinated approach to stakeholder engagement and communication for the network and ensuring policy and practice are guided and reflect the views of stakeholders
- Ensuring a coherent and consistent approach to both network development and network activities with partner networks in neighbouring areas and nationally
- Considering work programmes the context of the children’s continuum, and the interface between maternity and children’s services, starting with Best Start in Life and first 1000 days