Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Diabetes Clinical Network
Cardiovascular disease is one of the main causes of death and disability in England. Much has been achieved over the last decade in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, however, it remains the biggest cause of premature mortality and the rate of improvement has slowed. There is more to be done to improve both mortality rates and to improve the quality of life for those living with the disease. Cardiovascular disease is a key priority within the NHS Long term Plan (LTP)
The South West Cardiovascular Clinical Network is responsible for working with commissioners, providers and other stakeholders to improve patient outcomes and experience through:
- Providing strategic advice
- Identifying and reducing unwarranted clinical variation
- Supporting clinical quality improvement
- Promoting best practice and benchmarking
- Involving patients and the public
The network provides a ‘virtual integration’ of organisations including primary, secondary and tertiary care, the ambulance service and local commissioners. This collaborative approach creates a network configuration more closely aligned to the patient’s pathway and experience of care than traditional organisational boundaries and enables co-operative working and collective responsibility in the commissioning and provision of equitable, high quality, clinically effective, seamless services.
To support the delivery and implementation of the NHS Long Term Plan, the Network’s work programme includes cardiovascular prevention (atrial fibrillation, blood pressure and cholesterol), cardiac, stroke, and diabetes care.