Good practice of early intervention – Coventry and Warwickshire

Our Vision is to use our transformation plan to locally redesign services to serve the needs of young people and their families across Coventry and Warwickshire that will;

  • Provide stepped care through early help, prevention and crisis support to young people and their families to improve their health outcomes, resilience and reduce tier 4 bed usage.

Coventry and Warwickshire has adopted the national four tiered strategic framework to provide structure to the commissioning of local provision as illustrated below:

Tier 1: Support to universal services £519k
Warwickshire County Council (WCC) Primary Mental Health Service (PMHW) Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust (CWPT) Consultation, advice and training to practitioners. Hold small caseload £239,000
Coventry City Council (CCC) Integrated Primary Health Service (IPMHS) CWPT, Coventry and Warwickshire Mind, Relate Coventry and Warwickshire Consultation, advice and training to practitioners. Hold small caseload £221,000
Tier 2: Early intervention for mild to moderate mental health issues £792k


Reach Coventry and Warwickshire Mind and Relate Coventry and Warwickshire Stepped care:

  1. Online advice
  2. Peer support
  3. Therapeutic groups
  4. Counselling
WCC: £160,000

CCC:  £112,000



Journeys Coventry and Warwickshire Mind, Relate Coventry and Warwickshire Targeted support to Looked After Children and young people (LAC) and their carers. WCC: £185,000

CCC:  £185,000

WCC MHISC (Mental Health Interventions for School Children)   Framework of 11 providers Targeted interventions for young people with an open CAF £150,000

(from Dedicated School Grant)




Mental health and emotional wellbeing support in universal services

1.1 The Primary Mental Health Service provides practical support to universal professionals (including GP’s, School teachers and social care professionals) to assist in the early identification and prevention of mental health and emotional wellbeing needs in children and young people.

1.2 The Coventry service consists of 5.6 full time equivalents (fte) including 1fte Team Leader, 2.6fte Primary Mental Health Workers and 2fte Primary Mental Health Advisors. The Warwickshire service consists of 4fte; including 1 part time Team Leader.

1.3 An analysis of activity shows that in 2015/2016 x professionals received mental health and emotional wellbeing training, over x professional consultations were delivered and over x young people supported through low level direct support.

1.4 The Reach service is commissioned across Coventry and Warwickshire to work directly with children and young people to provide therapeutic group work, face to face and online counselling services using a stepped care approach, as outlined in figure 3:

1.5 The service consists of 4.2fte Primary Mental Health Workers who hold qualifications in working with children and young people and 4.8fte counsellors specialising in CBT, systemic practice and family therapy and service managers to provide operational management and oversight.

1.6 Over 2015/2016, 1,975 children and young people were referred to the service Most referrals came from either educational professionals (36%) and , GP’s (26%)The main areas of presenting concern were in relation to anger, family conflict, anxiety and phobias, behaviour and self-esteem.

1.7 During 2015/16, 2,295 children and young people commenced treatment , including  628 children and young people were supported through the counselling process, and 1,084 children and young people were support through a group based intervention.  In the region of 40% of the service is directed to Coventry children and 60% to Warwickshire children.

1.8 An average wait of 8 weeks for referral to intervention across Coventry and Warwickshire for group work and 5 to 6 weeks for counselling.

1.9 The Journeys service is commissioned to work with children and young people (0-18) who are Looked After or Adopted and have mild-moderate mental health and emotional wellbeing issues, in addition to Foster Carers/Adopters and professionals working with LAC.

1.10 The service consists of 5fte Primary Mental Health Workers and 2fte Counsellors, and received clinical consultation from Phoenix Psychological Services. The service works closely with the Specialist CAMHS service to enable the needs of the young person to be discussed at tier 3 for possible step up through the tiers, and also used to step cases down from CAMHS into Journeys.

1.11 The direct interventions delivered to children and young people include Counselling and Therapeutic conversations, Family Counselling, Solution-focussed and behavioural therapeutic work delivered by Primary Mental Health Workers and Occupational Therapists and therapeutic work involving creative play and art.

1.12 During 2015/16, the service received 233 referrals across Coventry and Warwickshire. During this time the average caseload was 131 at any one time. 2,723 one to one sessions were delivered in 2015/2016.  The service has also provided 63 training workshops for carers and professionals with an average of 100 attendees per quarter. The training workshops offered include fostering attachments, youth mental health first aid, basic counselling skills and case group supervision for residential social workers.

1.13 The current wait from referral received to assessment offered is 1 week; from assessment to intervention is 6-8 weeks.