NHS England – Midland’s work

NHS England – Midlands supports healthcare commissioning and delivery at a local level across our region.  We also provide professional leadership for finance, nursing, medical, specialised commissioning, patients and information, human resources and organisational development, and assurance and delivery.

You can find out more about the work we’re currently involved in by using the links on the left.


NHS Midlands’ Charter

The Covid-19 pandemic has meant some trainees have had difficulty accessing their usual medical education and training. They have been unable to acquire new competencies and maintain existing ones. Education and training must be under-pinned by robust educational and clinical supervision and increased pastoral support. The working environment also needs to be conducive to training as outlined in the BMA Fatigue and Facilities Charter.The Midlands’ Charter outlines our commitment to prioritise the restoration of postgraduate medical education and training impacted during the Covid-19 pandemic. It recognises the determination of providers to restore and reset education and training and to establish the Midlands region as a beacon for postgraduate education. The Charter has recently been updated (January 2022) to showcase the brilliant work that has happened since it was first published at the end of 2020. Find out more.