Stay Well

The Stay Well this winter – booklet

This printable booklet is designed to help you stay healthier this winter and help local NHS and Council services as they support you through the winter months.

This booklet has five section that are completed by yourself.

Who Are You? – this section just has basic information about who you are
and what you like to be called.

Preparing for Winter – this section has a checklist of simple things you can do
to get prepared for winter, protecting yourself and those you love before
the winter weather sets in.

Helping Us Help You – this section is where you can keep useful information
that might be helpful to emergency services or other health or social care

Planning for if something happens – this section has some short questions to
help you set out your wishes if something happens and you aren’t able to
communicate with emergency services.

Visit Diary – this is the final section and this is where you can ask any health
or social care professional who visits you to just write in their name, role and
contact details and when they came to visit, so we can help services connect
up in supporting you.

There is also a section at the end with useful information that can help you
prepare for this winter.

Stay Well this winter – booklet (printable version)