Learning disabilities
Homes not hospitals
Transforming care is all about improving health and care services so that more people with learning disabilities and/or autism can live in the community, with the right support, and close to home.
Our national plan, Building the Right Support, published in October 2015 set out what we are doing to make sure this change happens. An Easy Read version of the national plan, Building the Right Support is also available.
In particular, it aims to reduce the numbers of people receiving care in hospital by providing suitable accommodation in local communities where individuals can live with the support they need, or helping them to move back home.
Transforming Care for people with learning disabilities in the South West
Part of Building the Right Support included the development of 48 transforming care partnerships (TCPs) across England. TCPs are made up of clinical commissioning groups, NHS England’s specialised commissioners and local authorities. The TCPs work with people with a learning disability, autism or both and their families and carers to agree and deliver local plans for the programme.
Across the South West region, seven Transforming Care Partnerships (TCPs) are leading the way to improve the lives for people with a learning disability, autism or both. A cornerstone of achieving this is safely and successfully discharging inpatients into appropriate community settings.
Good progress has already been made moving people with learning disabilities and/or autism in to more appropriate accommodation for their needs, working with patients and their families.
See Louise’s story here which is a great example of what we are managing to achieve across the region.
Find out more about the progress being made on improving care for those with learning disabilities and autism.