Letter to patients: Important information about treatments for coronavirus

2 March 2022 (updated 1 May 2022)
Publication approvals reference: C1615


If you need this letter in easy read, braille or other languages, please visit england.nhs.uk/coronavirus/patient-letter or contact england.contactus@nhs.net 

To: [Type recipient details here]

Your NHS number: [NHS NUMBER]

Dear [type name here]

Important information about new treatments for coronavirus

Your medical records currently show you might be suitable for treatments if you get coronavirus

This letter explains that:

  1. You should keep lateral flow tests at home
  2. You should take a test if you have coronavirus symptoms. Important: You must report your test result.
  3. If you test positive, the NHS will contact you about treatments.

For more information visit: www.nhs.uk/CoronavirusTreatments

Why are we sending you this letter?

Health experts have looked at the health conditions which put people at more risk from coronavirus. Those health conditions have been agreed by UK chief medical officers.

We are contacting you because your medical records currently show that you have one or more of these health conditions. This means that treatments might be suitable for you if a test confirms you have coronavirus.

These treatments can stop you from getting seriously ill and need to be given quickly after you start to have symptoms.

1. You should keep lateral flow tests at home

The Government will send you one pack of lateral flow tests. Only use them if you develop symptoms. If you run out, you can order more from https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests or by calling 119.

You can use any lateral flow tests supplied by the Government. Tests bought from a shop (including pharmacies) cannot currently be registered via GOV.UK or 119 and you will not be contacted about treatment if you test positive using these tests.

2. You should take a test if you have coronavirus symptoms

If you have coronavirus symptoms you should take a lateral flow test immediately, even if your symptoms are mild.

You must report your result at https://www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result or by calling 119. It’s important to provide your NHS number and postcode correctly (provided at the top of this letter) so you can be contacted.

If your test is negative but you still have symptoms, you should take another test on each of the next two days (three tests in total over three days).

3. If you test positive, the NHS will contact you about treatments

If any of your lateral flow tests are positive and you have reported the result, the NHS should contact you about treatment. If you are not contacted within 24 hours of your positive test, call your GP surgery, 111 or your specialist clinician (if you have one), who can make an urgent referral.

If you have an email address, please share it with your GP and any other NHS care providers so you can be contacted quickly with new information.

Yours sincerely

Professor Stephen Powis | National Medical Director | NHS England and NHS Improvement

More information on how the NHS has used your information: www.digital.nhs.uk/coronavirus/treatments/transparency-notice