Training resources: COVID-19 infection prevention and control recommendations for healthcare settings 2020

12/2/21 V4

Training resources: COVID-19 infection prevention and control (IPC) recommendations for healthcare settings 2020

Resource Link [NB SEVERAL LINKS BELOW DON’T WORK] Comment Author
QR code to Access IPC for care home managers slides Updated IPC guidance including PPE, Hand washing and testing NHS England and NHS Improvement

Health Education England

QR code to access IPC for care home staff slides Updated IPC guidance including testing NHS England and NHS Improvement

Health Education England

Coronavirus (COVID- 19) Resource Centre Posters and campaign resources Public Health England
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) illustrated guide for community and social care settings. UK Health Security Agency What PPE to wear and when – an illustrative guide Public Health England
Videos and Instructions for how to take swab samples for COVID-19 testing

COVID-19: guidance for taking swab samples

Videos and Posters Public Health England
What ids E. coli? Video about preventing Escherichia coli
(ECOLI), bloodstream infections and urinary tract infections. (UTI’s)

E coli prevention film

Video resource produced by the Gram-negative Blood Stream Infection (GNBSI) Improvement team NHS England and NHS Improvement
Mental Health IPC webinar FutureNHS please email to request access to the platform NHS England and NHS Improvement
How to use the self- swabbing kit for a combined throat and
nose swab (video)

How to take a combined throat and nose swab for COVID-19

Video guide on how to use a self- test swabbing kit Public Health England
How to use a combined throat and nose swab kit to test for COVID- 19: for social care staff (video)

How to use a combined throat and nose swab kit to test for COVID-19 – for all social care staff

Video guide on how to use a combined throat and nose swab kit Public Health England
How to use a nose swab kit to test for COVID-19: a guide for
social care staff (video)

How to use a nose swab kit to test for COVID-19 – a guide for social care staff in all settings

Video guide demonstrating how to use a nose swab kit Public Health England
Homeless Health Webinar slides FutureNHS Teaching session and accompanying slides

Need to register with Future NHS ; email HomelessHealthC OVID19-manager@future.n

NHS England and NHS Improvement
Video on how to take a
self-test swab
How to take a coronavirus self-test swab Guide to how to take self-test Public Health England
Video on how to take a nose and throat swab
from a resident
Video includes PPE required and how to take the test Public Health England
How to work safely as a home carer.

Taking off personal protective equipment (PPE)

How to work safely_Taking off PPE PPE guidance poster for home carers Public Health England
How to work safely as a home carer.

Putting on personal protective equipment (PPE)

How to work safely_Putting on PPE PPE Guidance poster for home carers Public Health England
HEE E-learning elfh elearning for healthcare E-learning for health applicable to all and generic Health Education England
Skills for Care COVID-19 guidance and advice pages Relevant to Care Home settings Skills for Health
How to wash your hands Healthy body Video demonstrating hand wash technique NHS England
Best Practice: how to hand wash UK Health Security Agency Poster of six stage technique with soap and water Public Health England
Best Practice: how to hand rub UK Health Security Agency


Poster of six stage technique with Alcohol hand rub Public Health England
Respiratory protective
equipment (RPE) basics
Health and Safety Executive Guidance re fit testing Health and Safety Executive
Guide to donning and doffing standard Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for health and social care settings UK Health Security Agency Poster re putting on and removing standard PPE Public Health England
Guide to donning and doffing standard Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for health and social care settings COVID-19: Donning and doffing of Personal Protective Equipment in Health and Social Care Settings Video demonstrating donning and doffing PPE Public Health England
Putting on personal protective equipment (PPE) for non-aerosol generating procedures (AGPs)* UK Health Security Agency Poster re putting on of Non-aerosol generating procedure PPE Public Health England
Taking off personal protective equipment (PPE) for non-aerosol generating procedures (AGPs)* UK Health Security Agency Poster re the removal of non- aerosol generating procedure PPE Public Health England
Putting on (donning) personal protective equipment (PPE) for aerosol generating procedures (AGPs) Gown version UK Health Security Agency Poster re donning and doffing PPE for AGP (gown version) Public Health England
Putting on (donning) personal protective equipment (PPE) for aerosol generating procedures (AGPs) – Gown version UK Health Security Agency 2nd version of above poster Public Health England
Removal of (doffing) personal protective equipment (PPE) for aerosol generating procedures (AGPs) Gown version UK Health Security Agency Poster re the removal order of AGP PPE (gown version) Public Health England
Putting on (donning) personal protective equipment (PPE) including coveralls for aerosol generating procedures (AGPs) UK Health Security Agency Poster re AGP PPE Coverall version Public Health England
Removal of (doffing) personal protective equipment (PPE) including coveralls for aerosol generating
procedures (AGPs)
UK Health Security Agency Poster re removal of AGP PPE
(coverall version)
Public Health England
Video shows how to safely doff (take off) PPE specific to COVID- 19 for AGPs and should be used in conjunction with the quick guide to doffing
PPE and local policies.

COVID-19: Donning of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Video demonstrating how to take off PPE (aerosol generating procedures) Public Health England
Video shows how to safely don (put on) PPE specific to COVID-19 for AGPs and should be used in conjunction with the quick guide to donning PPE and local

COVID-19: Donning of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Video demonstrating how-to put-on PPE (aerosol generating procedures) Public Health England
Catch it, bin it, kill it Poster Catch it, bin, kill it poster Poster NHS England and Improvement
Fit testing face masks to avoid transmission during the coronavirus outbreak Information and video on how to ‘fit-test’ for respirators Health and Safety Executive
Covid-19 IPS Advice and guidance Fit testing face masks to avoid transmission during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic This set of 32 PowerPoint slides covers the basics of COVID-19 infection prevention and control and you are welcome to adapt them to support training of healthcare workers in your own workplace. Infection Prevention Society