About us
About London’s Clinical Networks
Clinical networks are part of the mandated national infrastructure across seven regions in England and in London there nine condition-specific clinical networks that are contributing towards the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) and the London Vision.
These networks focus on the national clinical priorities of mental health, dementia, diabetes, maternity, respiratory and cardiovascular conditions and personalised care at the end of life and aim to:
- Deliver continuous improvement in quality of care, promoting patient safety and experience, equality of access and outcomes for the population
- Reduce unwarranted clinical variation
- Demonstrate value for NHS resources.
They bring together clinical experts, patients and other partners across the capital to improve health outcomes for over eight million London residents, ensuring quality outcomes and value for money, where a single organisation, team or solution could not.
Our mission
The vision of the London Clinical Networks is to create a system of clinical leadership linking health and social care for consistent, high quality, efficient and evidence based care for the health and well-being of the capital.
Established in 2013, the SCNs build upon the success of earlier clinical networks, such as stroke and cancer.
Based on the policy document, The way forward: Strategic clinical networks, the SCNs were created as the next evolution of clinical networks, further enhanced to ensure that commissioners have access to a broad range of expert clinical input to inform their decisions about the way care for local populations is planned and delivered.
The Clinical Networks, together with the London Clinical Senate and the three Academic Health Science Networks, create a collaborative approach to improvements and innovation in the capital.