Case Studies / Resources

For further reading on integrated neighbourhoods please see the following available resources:

  1. The state of integration at place. Exploring how and why place is the ‘engine room’ of integration – NHS Confederation, 2024
  2. ‘Working Better Together in Neighbourhoods’ – NHS Confederation, 2024
  3. Unlocking reform and financial sustainability.  NHS Confederation, 2024
  4. ‘Integrated Neighbourhood Teams: Lessons from a Decade of Integration’ Nuffield Trust, 2024.
  5. ‘Delivering Integrated Care at a Neighbourhood Level’ – NHS Community Networks, 2020.
  6. How co-production is used to improve the quality of services and people’s experience of care: A literature review. NHS England. Mukoro, F., 2023.
  7. Shaping Places for Healthier Lives. 2020.  The LGA in partnership with The Health Foundation created a programme to support local government-led partnerships to tackle the wider determinants of health, and to share learning about effective ways of shaping places for healthier lives for all.
  8. NHS Confederation case studies:
    1. Growing Health Together
    2. Seacroft Local Care Partnership
    3. W12 Together