
NHS 111 Statistics – August 2013

NOTE: We apologise for the slight delay in publication of these statistics – this was due to a technical problem which has now been resolved 

Call statistics to the NHS 111 service up to and including August 2013 from the 33 sites providing this service and able to provide data at this time.

The main findings for August 2013 were:

a.    In August, there were 548,318 calls to the NHS 111 service, with 94.5% of these calls from people directly dialling 111. Scaled up, this would represent 8.5 million calls per year across England to the NHS 111 service.

 b.    In August, 94.1% of answered calls made to NHS 111 were answered within 60 seconds. Of all calls offered 0.5% were abandoned after waiting longer than 30 seconds.

 c.    Average episode length of a call in August was 14 minutes 31 seconds.

d.    For answered calls 85.1% received triage.

e.    Of all answered calls 7.3% were offered called back, of those offered call back 44.8% were called back within 10 minutes.

 f.     On average 30.7% of call time was handled by clinical staff for all calls in August.  Nine sites are currently able to submit this data, due to the data being classed as commercially sensitive by some providers.

More detailed tables and further information can be found in the statistical release below:

NHS 111 MDS August Statistical Annex (DOC, 703KB)


NHS 111 MDS August 2013 NATIONAL (XLS, 479KB)

NHS 111 MDS August 2013 NORTH (XLS, 485KB)

NHS 111 MDS August 2013 LONDON (XLS, 713KB)

NHS 111 MDS August 2013 ME (XLS, 793KB)

NHS 111 MDS August 2013 SOUTH (XLS, 485KB)

 Pre-Release Access

Pre Release Access List – Monthly NHS 111 – 11th October 2013 (DOC, 16KB)

Google PDE Application

You can also access the NHS111 dataset from the Google PDE link below, this graphically represents the call level data from all 111 sites.

Contact Us

You can obtain further details by contacting the relevant statistical team at the following address:

NHS 111 Team
NHS England
8E12 Quarry House
Quarry Hill