Overall Patient Experience Scores: 2017 Adult Inpatient Survey update
Overall Patient Experience Scores: 2017 Adult Inpatient Survey update
Today NHS England published the latest statistical information on patients’ experience of inpatient services in the NHS. This is an update to include results from the 2017 Adult Inpatient Survey.
Further supporting information, including an accompanying methodology statement, is available for this series by going to:
The 2017 survey included 148 acute and specialist NHS trusts in England.
Eligible patients were aged 16 years or over, who had spent at least one night in hospital during July 2017 and were not admitted to maternity or psychiatric units. Responses were received from over 72,000 patients with a response rate of 41%.
NHS England has also published a Diagnostic Tool, designed to help NHS managers and the general public understand what feeds in to the overall scores and how scores vary across individual NHS organisations.
You can access the tool by going to: