
CCG authorisation waves agreed

The NHS Commissioning Board Authority is being asked to approve the timing of the four CCG authorisation waves.

A paper going to the 31 May 2012 board meeting outlines how all 212 proposed CCG applicants have now agreed their wave.

Applications for CCG authorisation will take place from July to November 2012 and the NHS Commissioning Board is on schedule to have completed the authorisation process by January 2013.

The wave process will comprise: 35 proposed CCGs in wave one; 70 in wave two; 67 in wave three; and 40 in wave four. The majority of proposed CCGs were able to secure their first choice of wave, but as applications for wave two exceeded availability, some were asked to move into an alternative. These moves were agreed between the proposed CCG and the SHA cluster.

Proposed CCGs in each wave will continue to develop throughout the year as they take on increasing responsibilities and may have conditions set to enable them to prepare fully – irrespective of the wave they are in. All CCGs will take on their new commissioning duties, if authorised, on 1 April 2013.

The Board Authority will continue to work with all proposed CCGs over the coming months, providing them with a comprehensive package of development and support to ensure they are in a strong position to take on their full responsibilities by April 2013.

The authorisation process will ensure that CCGs are able to commission safely, to discharge responsibly their stewardship of the majority of the NHS budget, and to exercise their functions in relation to improving quality, reducing inequality and delivering improved health outcomes within the available resources. Each proposed CCG must develop a clear and credible commissioning plan for its local area to be able to progress through the authorisation process and become an authorised CCG.

Read the full list of the proposed CCGs in each application wave.