Email bulletins

Healthcare leaders update

Our weekly bulletin brings together all the latest news, essential actions and important resources for healthcare leaders.

NHS commercial bulletin

The central NHS commercial bulletin provides the latest news, training information and resources on how we are increasing value for taxpayers to improve patient care, driving collaboration across the NHS commercial community.

Chief allied health professions bulletin

This bulletin contains the latest news, guidance and updates on national policy and delivery priorities relating to Allied Health Professionals – the third largest clinical workforce in health and care, providing system-wide care for patients.

Chief midwifery officer bulletin

The chief midwifery officer bulletin provides key information for midwifery and maternity staff on leadership, research, policy and a host of other resources.

Chief nursing officer bulletin

The chief nursing officer bulletin provides key information for nursing and midwifery staff on leadership, events, policy and a host of other resources.

Community health services bulletin

Our monthly bulletin brings together all the latest news, resources, and best practice for those working in or with community health services.

Dentistry and oral health update

The dentistry and oral health bulletin is a round up of all the latest news and important resources for anyone working in NHS dental services.

Digitising social care bulletin

Monthly updates from the Department of Health and Social Care/NHS England programme working to transform the social care sector through digital innovation in order to deliver better and safer care.

Elective recovery bulletin

The elective recovery bulletin provides a round up of latest information, resources, and guidance for those working in elective services.

Estates and facilities bulletin

This bulletin brings together all the latest news, guidance, health technical memoranda and policy developments affecting NHS estates and facilities.

Genomic Medicine Service update

A bulletin providing news and information on important developments, resources, guidance, policies, tools and events involving genomics.

Greener NHS bulletin

The Greener NHS bulletin is for anyone who would like to know more about the progress we are making towards our net zero ambition and how to get involved in building a greener NHS.

Healthcare science bulletin

The healthcare science bulletin provides the latest healthcare science news, updates and events from the office of chief scientific officer, our partners and professional bodies.

Inclusive pharmacy practice bulletin

This bi-annual bulletin provides updates from the Office of the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer and partners about work to reduce health inequalities for patients and local communities.

Integrated care bulletin

Latest news and events on integrating health and care across the country, including examples of best practice from NHS, local government and voluntary sector partnerships.

Learning disability update

This 'easy read' newsletter keeps you up to date with what we are doing for people with a learning disability and/or autism, their families, carers and supporters.

Maternity and neonatal bulletin

This bulletin offers updates and details about maternity and neonatal services. It also highlights upcoming events and celebrates achievements.

NHS HR and OD bulletin

This bulletin provides the latest news on all developments within NHS human resource (HR) and organisational development (OD).

Patient safety partners bulletin

This bulletin is to support Patient Safety Partners (PSPs) across NHS and independent provider organisations, trusts, ICBs, and regions, in England in their role. It contains the latest updates and news and guidance relating to patient safety.

Personalised care

Find out about new initiatives, guidance, events, training and support to help in the roll-out of personalised care, including social prescribing and personal health budgets.

Primary care bulletin

The Primary Care bulletin provides resources for GPs and the primary care audience, including practice managers and nurses.

Transformation bulletin

The Transformation bulletin is a roundup of the latest news and developments to bring together improvement best practice and digital technology to transform healthcare.

Virtual wards bulletin

Subscribe to the monthly Virtual wards bulletin and keep up to date with the latest news, resources, and information on virtual wards and hospital at home services.