
CCG clinical leaders invited to join new commissioning assembly

The NHS Commissioning Board Authority Chief Executive David Nicholson and a ‘design group’ of 15 CCG clinical leaders have written to emerging CCG leaders this week to invite one senior clinical lead from each CCG to join a new NHS Commissioning Assembly.

The executive team at the Board Authority and the group of CCG leaders have worked together to identify the key principles on which the relationships between CCGs and the NHS Commissioning Board (NHSCB) will depend and a proposal for how to take this collaboration forward.   The proposal builds on feedback from emerging CCG clinical leaders at workshops in December 2011 and January 2012, and has been tested more widely in informal discussions since.

The group is also seeking views on a draft shared statement of intent and a draft framework for relationships for use as the basis for the development of relationships at a local and national level between CCGs and the NHSCB.

The assembly will bring together leaders from all CCGs and the NHSCB with the following purpose and roles:

  • To create shared leadership at national level across all clinical commissioners, fostering the sense of ‘one team’ with joint responsibility for ensuring that clinically-led commissioning develops and flourishes
  • To be the infrastructure through which CCGs and the NHSCB can co-produce national strategy and direction
  • To be the mechanism through which CCGs can build consensus and have a common voice on key issues
  • To be a learning network through which leaders of NHSCB and CCGs can develop commissioning to be the best it can be
  • To facilitate communication between leaders of the clinical commissioning system at a national level.

A shared work programme is also being suggested with CCG leaders coming together in smaller groups to work collectively on areas of key importance including quality, financial strategy, incentives and primary care.

Read the NHS Commissioning Assembly letter.(this document is no longer available here but can be found on the National Archives website)

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