NHS Commissioning Board Authority recruits Very Senior Managers (VSM)
The NHS Commissioning Board Authority is pleased to announce the following Very Senior Managers (VSM) posts have been recruited to:
Commissioning Development Directorate:
Rosamond Roughton will be Director for Commissioning Systems and Strategy, responsible for the translation of the NHS Commissioning Board strategy into the development of the commissioning system, and the running of the directorate.
John Bewick will be Director of Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Development and will provide overall leadership of the development of CCGs, and the framework for improving the effectiveness of CCGs.
Ben Dyson will be Director of Commissioning Policy and Primary Care and will lead on the design of commissioning enablers, including standard contracts and the strategy for incentives for CCGs. Ben will also be the lead director for the development of strategies for primary care within the NHS Commissioning Board.
HR Directorate:
Paul Harrison will be the Director of Organisational Development.
Medical Directorate:
Professor Sir Mike Richards will be Director for Domain One, providing overall leadership for reducing avoidable death.
Dr Martin McShane will be Director for Domain Two, providing overall leadership for improving outcomes for people with long-term conditions.
John Stewart will be Quality Framework Director with responsibility for ensuring that improving quality is embedded throughout the NHS Commissioning Board.
Transformation Directorate:
Professor Robert Harris will be the NHS Commissioning Board Director of Strategy, responsible for the design and implementation of medium and longer term strategies and large scale transformation programmes that will improve both quality and productivity in the NHS.
Further announcements will follow over the coming days and weeks.
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