Evaluation of the first year of the Equality Delivery System
The first anniversary of the launch of the Equality Delivery System (EDS) by Sir David Nicholson is marked by the publication of the report ‘Evaluation of the equality delivery system for the NHS’ which looks at how the EDS has been adopted in NHS organisations.
Produced by Shared Intelligence, this report highlights the improved local engagement and awareness of equality across the NHS workforce as a result of the EDS. The report also identifies areas where lessons can be learnt to ensure that the EDS continues to make a real difference for patients and staff.
The EDS evaluation report will be shared with the NHS so that organisations can act on the findings and good practice identified in the report, where it is appropriate for their local requirements. The findings will also form a part of the on-going review of the public sector Equality Duty, being led by the Government Equality Office.
Sir David Nicholson, NHS Chief Executive and Chief Executive of the NHS Commissioning Board said:
“I am delighted that a year on from its launch the EDS is being used by NHS organisations and that progress is being made in terms of better engagement with local communities and improved collection and use of data. During the next twelve months, I am keen to see how, by implementing the EDS, the NHS is making a real difference for patients and those who work in the NHS by delivering services that are personal, fair and diverse and creating fairer working environments.”
Paula Vasco-Knight, senior responsible officer for the EDS said:
“As senior responsible officer for the EDS and an NHS Trust chief executive I have seen first-hand how the EDS is being used to better understand our local communities and our workforce to target resources more effectively and tailor services to meet the needs of everyone, no matter who they are. It is essential that during this period of change in the NHS, we don’t take our eye off the ball and build on what has been achieved by everyone who has been involved in designing, developing and implementing EDS across the NHS.”
If you have any questions or comments please email the EDS mailbox.
The EDS toolkit is available here.
The EDS is a tool kit that can help NHS organisations improve the services they provide for their local communities, consider health inequalities in their locality and provide better working environments, free of discrimination, for those who work in the NHS. The EDS was developed by the NHS for the NHS, taking inspiration from existing work and good practice.
The EDS was commissioned by the Equality and Diversity Council, chaired by Sir David Nicholson, Chief Executive of the NHS and was launched on 10 November 2011.
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