
GP IT services: Operating model published

On 3 April 2014 NHS England published Securing Excellence in GP IT Services: Operating model for 2014-16 an updated operating model to ‘Securing Excellence in GP IT Services’. The updated document sets out plans for how more than £230million in funding will be used to ensure all GP practices across England have high quality IT systems.

The NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB) has today published a document, Securing Excellence in GP IT Services, explaining how the management of IT systems for GP practices will be organised from April 2013. It enables clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) to make decisions to suit particular local requirements, ensuring information and technology supports clinical commissioning to improve health outcomes for patients.

From April 2013, the NHS CB will be responsible for primary care information services.  It will delegate responsibility for operational management of GP IT services along with associated funding, to CCGs. This will include provision of clinical systems and associated hardware and network services; and provision of support services such as training to GP practices.

CCGs, on behalf of the NHS CB, may commission GP IT services from appropriate providers, such as commissioning support units (CSUs), or may choose to deliver these services themselves. Any appointed GP IT service provider will need to meet a set of quality standards, determined by the NHS CB in conjunction with CCGs.

Under the new system, the NHS CB will continue to provide national funding directly to CCGs to cover local costs for the provision of core, mandated and some discretionary services transferred from Primary Care Trusts (PCTs).

Procurement of GP clinical systems through the GP Systems of Choice (GPSoC) scheme and local service providers, or any national systems, will continue to be supported nationally.

The operating model is being published now to enable CCGs and the NHS CB to work towards the new system and ensure delivery by April.

  • GP IT Operating Model
  • GP IT factsheet
  • GP IT frequently asked questions

View the above documents on our archived website.

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