
Developing Clinical Senates: The Way Forward

Today the NHS Commissioning Board has published the Way Forward: Clinical Senates. Clinical Senates will be established across the country from April 2013 to play a unique role in the commissioning system by providing strategic clinical advice and leadership across a broad geographical area to clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), health and wellbeing boards (HWB) and the NHS Commissioning Board.

Clinical Senates will span professions and include representatives of patients, volunteers and other groups. They will work with Strategic Clinical Networks, Academic Health Science Networks, Local Education and Training Boards and research networks to develop an alignment of these organisations to support improvements in quality.

Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, National Medical Director said,

“Clinical leadership is at the heart of the new NHS commissioning system and is vital to fulfil our ambition for continuous improvement in the quality of services and outcomes for patients.”

“I’m delighted that from April 2013 multi professional clinical leadership in the new NHS structure will become a reality with the establishment of 12 clinical senates across England.”

“I am certain that once in place, clinical senates will become a trusted source of advice to commissioners in CCGs, the NHS Commissioning Board, providers and to Health and Wellbeing Boards.”

“Clinicians from across different professions, working together with patients and others to provide leadership and advice will support commissioners to make decisions, and will play a key role in transforming health care to ensure we meet the needs of patients.”

You can find more information in the supporting document Clinical Senates update (January 2013).