
Ian Dalton moving on to pastures new

The NHS Commissioning Board today announces the forthcoming departure of its Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive, Ian Dalton CBE.  Ian will be moving to BT Global Services to take up the position of President of Global Health.

Ian has held a number of very senior roles within the NHS including Chief Executive of NHS North of England and Chief Executive of two hospital trusts, and worked on the reconstruction of civilian health services in Iraq.

Ian Dalton said:

“I am excited by my new role with BT, which will allow me to utilise my experience to work with health systems across the world.   However, it has been a huge privilege to have contributed to the NHS in so many key roles over the years and to have worked with so many caring and dedicated NHS staff.

I have been impressed by the NHS Commissioning Board’s passionate focus on the interests of patients and I am confident it will deliver real improvements for the future.   For the next period, my focus will be on delivering what I am sure will be a successful transition for the operations directorate of the NHS Commissioning Board”.

Sir David Nicholson, Chief Executive, NHS Commissioning Board said:

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ian for his significant contribution and dedication to the NHS over many years.  Ian has worked incredibly hard to drive forward better health outcomes for patients.   Ian will be missed and I wish Ian all the best in his new role at BT.”