Choice and competition in commissioning clinical services in the NHS in England
In its June 2011 report, Choice and competition – delivering real choice, the NHS Future Forum highlighted the role of competition in the NHS as a tool for commissioning clinical services where it serves the interests of citizens and the choices they wish to make. The NHS Commissioning Board and Monitor are working in partnership to develop a Choice & Competition website and have today published a note (this document is available on out archived website) setting out how the website will help commissioners and providers understand where competition may deliver improved outcomes for patients.
Co-developed with commissioners and providers, the Choice & Competition website will bring together for the first time in one place all of the key material that has a bearing on choice and competition in the NHS in England. Consistent with the principle that it is for commissioners to decide if and when to introduce choice or use a competitive procurement process, the website will evolve as experience and evidence grow over time, sustaining an absolute focus on improving patient outcomes above all else.