
Release of two data reports relating to children’s heart surgery at Leeds Teaching Hospitals

NHS England has released two data reports relating to children’s heart surgery at Leeds Teaching Hospitals

  1. The original data sent to Sir Bruce Keogh by Sir Roger Boyle (this document is available on our archived website)
  2. NICOR Investigation of mortality from paediatric cardiac surgery in England 2009 – 12 (this document is available on our archived website)

See also a covering letter from NICOR (this document is available on our archived website).

The first report is the data sent to Sir Bruce Keogh by Roger Boyle

The second is a report from the National Institute for Cardiovascular Outcomes Research, which is part of the University College London. The institute was commissioned to inform the review of Children’s Congenital Cardiac Surgery Service at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. This report reviewed the data, based on further information provided by Leeds Teaching Hospital.