
Heatwave Plan for England 2013 published

The Heatwave Plan for England 2013 has been published as a joint document between NHS England, Public Health England and other partner agencies.

The Plan’s purpose is to enhance resilience in the event of a heatwave and to describe the actions which can be taken to protect and improve health before and during such an event.

The Heatwave Plan is underpinned by the Heat-Health Watch alert system which has been developed with the Met Office to alert key stakeholders to the likelihood of severe hot weather in different parts of the country, so they can take appropriate action.

The Plan, which has been revised this year to reflect the organisational changes in health care and public health. It emphasises the importance of long-term joint working throughout the year to reduce the impact of climate change and take appropriate measures to prepare for severe heatwaves at all levels.

The following documents are available on the Public Health England (PHE) website:

  •  the Heatwave Plan for England 2013
  • ‘Making the Case’, a companion document giving further information on a range of topics related to the Heatwave Plan
  • three information pamphlets containing action cards based on the plan for easy use by organisations, staff and the public
  • the joint letter from NHS England, PHE and the Department of Health.