6Cs Live! Communication hub, has been launched by Sir David Nicholson on the 65th Anniversary of the NHS
Care, Compassion, Competence, Communication, Courage and Commitment, are values essential to compassionate care. And today Sir David Nicholson, NHS England’s Chief Executive re-enforced those core nursing values by launching the 6C’s online hub, on his visit to the Royal Wolverhampton Hospital NHS Trust to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the NHS.
The 6Cs Live! Communication hub will offer support and help to staff to deliver the six areas of action by signposting to evidence based tools and techniques as well as examples of how colleagues from across the country have delivered improvement in these areas.
The 6Cs were initially highlighted in NHS England’s Compassion in Practice strategy, launched by Jane Cummings Chief Nursing Officer last December. This afternoon, the 6Cs went live, cementing and reinforcing the importance of the 6C’s by offering an online interactive hub enabling nurses, midwives and care staff to share best practice, experience and ideas in one central location. Nurses, midwives and care staff are encouraged to sign up and create their profile to make the most of this opportunity and start sharing their experiences.
Sir David Nicholson, Chief executive of the NHS said; “It is fitting that we are launching this on the 65 anniversary of the NHS. This launch shows that even after 65 years the NHS can continue to evolve and use technology to improve the way we provide services. This provides an excellent opportunity for nursing staff to continue to develop and improve the quality of care and a positive patient experience in a way that hasn’t been available before. Despite the challenges we face we should embrace the potential possibilities for nurses, midwives and carers that this fantastic resource opens up.”
Juliet Beal the Director of Nursing at NHS England said; “6Cs communications hub is designed to spread good practice and supports nurses, midwives and care staff with the right tools to improve the quality of care. Nurses, midwives and care staff can sign up for regular updates and webinars and also get involved by taking part in the online network to link up with colleagues right across the country to share examples of compassionate care and good practice – as well as talk about their achievements.”