NHS Services, Seven Days a Week – major event on Saturday 16 November
NHS England and NHS Improving Quality will be holding a major event on Saturday 16 November, to support the publication of new insight and evidence from the review undertaken by the NHS Services, Seven Days a Week Forum. The first stage of the review, established by NHS England as a key offer to NHS commissioners in this year’s NHS planning guidance, has focused on improving diagnostics and urgent and emergency care.
Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS England’s National Medical Director, will be sharing the key findings of the review, and setting out actions and next steps to ensuring that service users in every community are able to access services that meet minimal clinical standards, seven days a week.
During the event, delegates will also get insight into the seven day services transformational improvement programme, which will help support the spread of seven day service models at scale and pace across the NHS in England. Dr Janet Williamson from NHS Improving Quality will outline how the programme will support the NHS to implement and embed service models which are shaped with input from patients and the public and deliver routine services seven days a week.
Delegates will also get the opportunity to learn from a range of organisations from across health and social care that are already improving access to services for patients across the seven day week. Delegates will have the opportunity to contribute to the discussion and share their view and ideas to make NHS Services, Seven Days a Week a reality.
This event is open to the public, patients, carers, NHS England staff, health and social care organisations and voluntary organisations. Early registration is encouraged to secure a delegate place.
For further information and details on how to register please visit http://www.nhsiq.nhs.uk/8565.aspx