Interactive map of dementia services
The Department of Health has today published a new interactive online map, bringing together existing information on dementia services in England.
Alistair Burns, National Clinical Director for Dementia at NHS England, said: “The publication of this interactive map, using existing available information, builds a clear transparent picture of dementia services across the country.
“We know that there is variation in services and ensuring equitable access to high quality services for people with dementia and their carers is a key priority for NHS England. We are committed to improving the quality of life for people with dementia and we are working with a wide range of professionals, clinicians, people with dementia, their families and carers, to achieve this.”
“We are working closely with Clinical Commissioning Groups to optimise timely diagnosis, helped by a local ‘dementia prevalence calculator’ which assess the expected number of people with dementia in each geographic area, so that people can see at first hand, what proportion of the estimated number of people with dementia are receiving a formal diagnosis and so are accessing the help and support that can bring.”
“People with dementia and their families are part of the community and building dementia friendly communities is an important way of lessening the stigma associated with dementia, the most feared illness for people over 55. We are linking closely with local communities and businesses through the Dementia Friendly Community initiatives, local Dementia Action Alliances and Health and Wellbeing Boards to raise the profile of dementia and to ensure integration between health and social care services.”
“Strategic Clinical Networks for dementia are in place throughout England, and working to make sure best practice is shared and implemented in all localities.”
“Incentives are also in place to improve the care of people with dementia in hospitals and General Practice.”
“We want to ensure that people who have dementia receive a timely diagnosis and that this leads to proactive care and support which is why we have set a national ambition that two thirds of the estimated number of people with dementia will receive a diagnosis and appropriate post diagnostic care and support by 2015.”