Progress on implementing Cancer Outcomes Strategy
Improving Outcomes: Strategy for Cancer was published in January 2011 with the ambition to save an additional 5000 lives a year by 2014/15 and halve the gap between England and the best in Europe for survival rates.
Today (10 December) the third annual report on the progress of implementation of the strategy is published.
This year the report highlights the progress we have made with partners on implementation. In particular:
- significant developments in cancer screening – particularly on the first phase of introducing Bowel Scope Screening (BSS)
- activity to promote earlier diagnosis of symptomatic cancers, through the Be Clear on Cancer campaigns and the associated work with primary and secondary care
- progress in ensuring better access for all to the best possible treatment, for example through improved access to Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT)
- significant developments in the collection and reporting of new datasets and the analysis of information, to drive improvements and to inform patients.
Next year, we will continue to work with PHE and DH on priority areas for action:
- To tackle ‘lifestyle’ factors, particularly smoking
- To improve uptake of screening amongst disadvantaged groups
- To build on the Be Clear on Cancer awareness-raising campaigns
- To ensure sufficient endoscopy capacity to deliver Bowel Scope Screening
National Clinical Director for Cancer, Mr Sean Duffy, today said:
“I am delighted to be publishing this update report today alongside the Department of Health and Public Health England. This report shows how we are working well together, and with the NHS as a whole, to deliver the best outcomes for people with cancer – to encourage behaviours that can prevent development of cancers, to diagnose early, treat well, support whole-person care, and support people if and when they are at the end of their lives. I am pleased with the progress we are making, but I know there is much more we can and must do, and I will continue to drive improvements to see better outcomes for all patients.”
Download the full report from the Department of Health website: The national cancer strategy: 3rd annual report.