Sign up for Health and Care Innovation Expo 2014
Registration has opened for the most important health and care event of 2014: the Health and Care Innovation Expo.
More than 10,000 people from across health and care, the voluntary sector, commissioners, clinicians, patients, thought leaders and innovators will meet at Manchester Central on 3rd and 4th March and take part in the fast-paced and interactive programme.
Hosted by NHS England, Expo will be a highlight for many people in their professional lives. Over two days people will get the inspiration and tools to improve health outcomes for everyone; securing high quality care for everyone and sustaining the NHS for the next generation.
The theme for Expo is the ‘House of Care’ and this will showcase elements of successful integrated care. Arriving at Manchester Central people will be immersed in an environment that shows health and care working together and the very real benefits this brings to patients.
Expo aims to be inspiring. There will be key note speeches from some of the most influential and experienced people in the international health and care economy. Running throughout each day a thought-provoking seminar programme will show people how to create positive changes where they work. Called the pop-up NHS University; this is where people will design their own course from the seminars and workshops on offer.
Due to demand, registration has opened early prior to the speakers’ programme being announced in early January. To register please go to