Change proposals for specialised services invited
NHS England as the commissioner of specialised services is currently developing a five year vision and strategy for the commissioning of specialised services.
We are keen to involve as many people as possible in this work and are doing this in a number of ways including a series of engagement events to develop the overarching mission and vision and a focus on how individual services can provide real value for money.
As part of this work NHS England is inviting ideas from patients, public and professionals for ideas of how changes could be made to specialised services. The type of change proposals sought may include changes to a service, system or pathway which can improve or make efficiencies for the benefit of service users. The proposals should explain the root cause of a problem and how improvements could be made. Proposals should be presented in a clear and succinct way. These proposals will be used to define the service-level goals and objectives and ensure alignment to the overarching mission and vision as it is built over the next few months.
We want to hear from everyone who can propose a service change that can be implemented at scale across the whole of a specialised service, and are encouraging joint submissions from patient, public and professional groups working together.
As a result of having radiation therapy for cancer, I developed lymphoedema. The nursing staff responsible for assessment and treatment could not have been more professional and helpful. I did notice, through a lack of funding or interest from those higher up, the treatments available were very basic. Massage being the primary treatment with some pressure bandaging. I have subsequently learned there are many other more scientific approaches that show substantial benefit to the patient. These alternative treatments need to be looked at with a view towards funding. I hope this helps because there are many more severly afflicted with this problem than me.
My relative’s death was illegally hastened (later admitted) by a lot of cynical moves made by senior consultants, senior nursing staff, hospital administrators, nursing homes and GP practice. I was frantic with worry at the time and could not get any help from any of the people above. The patients Liaison complaints dept. was of no use. Shouldn’t there be someone in all hospitals, nursing homes gp practices etc. to act swiftly on behalf of the relatives/friends of patients who know things are wrong and need help. It would save NHS England £m in compensation after an event that need not have happened.