Pack up your troubles and pitch up at Camp Expo
The world of health and care is full of passionate people who love what they do and want to share this with others. Camp Expo is an ‘unconference’ where delegates bring their pitch and all they have to do to get involved is start talking or join-in with the other attendees. They can now sign up for pitching sessions at Camp Expo, with details available on the Health and Care Innovation Expo 2014 website.
We all have dilemmas, successes, ideas and dreams in our working lives. The other attendees at Camp Expo agree to provide their skills, ideas and experience to help you with your dilemma. In return you’ll meet like-minded, creative folk, make great contacts, be inspired and get moral support for your work.
Be prepared for your comments to be tweeted and be prepared to generate debate, discussion and feedback. Every pitch will have a unique Twitter hashtag ranging from #campexpo1 to #campexpo120. When you secure a pitch you can start tweeting about what you’ll be talking about, and during the pitch the audience can continue the conversation on Twitter.
There will be a high level respect for all campers and the main aim of the Camp is that everyone gets something worthwhile out of being there. Don’t be offended if people get up and walk off and move away to another pitch. It’s what is called the ‘law of two feet’. And if the right theme or session doesn’t exist for you at that moment, just set up your own pitch. Simple!
You might want to consider running your Camp Expo pitch as:
- A tutorial – explaining new approaches or a processes;
- An exercise – working through a challenge you have;
- A project you are working on- generating new ideas or feedback from attendees.
Camp Expo runs during the Health and Care Innovation Expo on 3 and 4 March 2014 in Manchester Central. 50 per cent of the slots are available to pre-book and the remaining pitches will be left open for people to take on the day.
Delegates can register their pitch at Camp Expo online at
All the pitches will be set out on a grid on the two days Camp Expo runs so you can plan your time and we have a team of Caremakers on hand to support the pitchers and keep everything to time.
So… pack up your troubles, pitch up at Camp Expo and help the NHS and your career move forward.