Winter health check – 21 February 2014
This weekly summary offers an overview of the system and pulls together information on waiting times in A&E, ambulance response times, daily situation reports from the NHS, and information on flu rates.
This weekly summary offers an overview of the system and pulls together information on waiting times in A&E, ambulance response times, daily situation reports from the NHS, and information on flu rates.
This is very helpful information and shows how hard all NHS staff are working. I’ll be linking to it from [link removed] to help with the knowledge being spread.
Revisions to A&E data back to July 2013 today, but big picture remains much the same.
Bottom 10 Major Type 1 A&E Trusts in 2013/14.
You prefer the quarterly data, so here is the performance against target.
And the quarterly data on admissions shows the recent increase.
Type 1 attendances remain in line with recent years.
But Type 1 admissions are increasing year on year.
Please be more clear about revisions to the A&E data on the statistics download page.