Bite-size guides to support patient and public participation in the NHS
NHS England has developed some bite-size guides to support patient and public participation in the NHS. These guides are linked to the Transforming participation in Health and Social Care guidance (published September 2013). The guides have been developed with partners and by reviewing good practice in each area. They aim to support Clinical Commissioning Groups and others to plan and deliver good patient and public participation. You can access the guides via the following links:
- Bite-size guide 1 – Principles for Participation in Commissioning
- Bite-size guide 2 – Governance for Participation (this document is no longer available here but can be found on the National Archives website)
- Bite-size guide 3 – Planning for Participation
- Bite-size guide 4 – Budgeting for Participation (this document is no longer available here but can be found on the National Archives website)
These four Bite-size guides form the first batch of a suite of bite-size resources, and more will follow throughout the year. If you would like to suggest a topic for a new bite-sized guide, or if you have any comments you would like to share, please email the participation mailbox at: Please note that we will look to prioritise the development of new bite-size guides according need.
the links to the templates in this guide have been disabled:
Can you tell me how to get hold of them please?
How can i become a member of local panels ?
sounds great and is welcome as all NHS E’s guidance is
Who does the training to use these guides?
Do boards and PPI leads utilise the bite sized bits?
Hi Jag,
The Bite-size guides are designed to offer information, signposting and support to people who are delivering participation work; there is no training with the guides. The guides were developed to support Clinical Commissioning Groups with their patient and public participation work, but they are also useful for other NHS staff to consider, including NHS England teams undertaking direct commissioning. We hope that patient and public voice leads and all staff (from Board level through to staff implementing engagement) will use the guides and find them helpful.
Kind Regards
NHS England