Flu immunisation programme 2014 to 2015
Public Health England along with the Department of Health and NHS England have today published the Annual Flu Plan and Letter for 2014/15.
The Plan will aid the development of robust and flexible operational plans by local organisations and emergency planners within the NHS and local government. It provides the public and healthcare professionals with an overview of the coordination and the preparation for the flu season and signposting to further guidance and information.
This year the Flu Plan also includes details about the extension of the flu vaccination programme to children in 2014 and 2015. Due to the scale of the extension nationally it is being implemented gradually, with geographical piloting in the early years that will provide learning to inform subsequent roll-out. The Flu Plan is supported by:
- the annual Flu Letter issued alongside the Flu Plan
- the influenza chapter in Immunisation against infectious disease (the Green Book, chapter 19) which is updated regularly, sometimes during a flu season
- two service specifications between NHS England and the Secretary of State for Health for the ‘routine’ seasonal flu programme (No.13) and for the extension of the programme to children (No. 13A)
21st Oct – Contacted my Dr. in Redditch,Worcs – was told that I would have to wait until 11th December 2014 for a Flu Jab – I am 70 yrs of age! -surely this is not right? -your comments please- S.Croasdell (Mrs).
My gp has not informed us of the vaccination program and was very reluctant to let my 2, year old have the fluenz. I have insisted and been told that my doctors doesn’t want to give them on the nhs? My 4 year old will be 5 in January so was 4 on 1 September. They have refused him the fluenz. Can I insist? Why are some gp surgery a allowed not to offer when the one downstairs from it are inviting all 2-4 year olds.
my daughter is 2 on 26 th of sept. yet im being told she cant have influenz as she is not 2 on 1 st sept. . I find this ridiculous she is starting nursery on 29 th sept and has had recurring bouts of bronculitus and chest infections. so why is she not allowed to have it this makes no sense !!!!!!!!!!!!