
Quality Premium: development of additional mental health indicators

The Quality Premium (this document is no longer available here but can be found on the National Archives website) rewards clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) for improving the quality of services they commission and for associated improvements in health outcomes and reducing inequalities.

It is based on a number of different measures that are set each year. It is important that mental health is well represented in these measures and that these best both reflect improved quality and outcomes and also promote parity of esteem between physical and mental health.

We are therefore seeking your suggestions on possible future mental health measures. These could be directly about mental health outcomes or could cover wider issues where it is known that people with mental health needs have poorer outcomes, such as physical health needs or employment,

Quality Premium measures should:

    • relate to the quality or outcomes from services commissioned by CCGs or to processes which have an evidenced link to improved quality or outcomes. See details of services commissioned by CCGs (this document is no longer available here but can be found on the National Archives website)
  • address issues for which improvement can be measurably made within a single year
  • have a relevant data source in order to measure the improvement.

Please send your suggestions or queries to Jeff Featherstone by 2 May 2014.


  1. bernd sass says:

    Disability Rights UK would recommend the following as outcome areas: social prescribing, that is for the individual to be put in touch with non-medical support from the voluntary sector (including in particular its subset of peer support), service use (ease/speed of referrals as determined by the individual), gain/loss in social capital, employment status, choice and control indicators.

    For us, it is key to support disabled people to define and shape new Patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) and Patient-reported experience measures (PREMs) with a view to linking payments/incentives to them. This is part of our contribution to the Care Packages Project with 16 mental health provider sites where we co-produce effective, user-friendly systems, processes and guidance, eg on how patients can be supported in shaping PROMs and PREMs which can then be mainstreamed.

  2. Dr Angela Devon says:

    I would recommend the use of INSPIRE which is a measure of recovery and is related to the experience of people who use services. This is a good quality indicator