
Consultation on specialised services clinical commissioning policies

NHS England has today (25 June 2014) launched a three-month public consultation on a number of clinical commissioning policies for specialised services.

The four policies will be open to a 12-week formal consultation period, closing on September 17.

View details of the consultation and the policies


  1. R Woodhead says:

    Adult autism (in particular high functioning conditions such as Asbergers syndrome) Has little to no support within the NHS I have been advised that should an acute problem arise to geta GP referral to Adult Mental Health Services. The waiting list for such a referral is long and it is not particularly appropriate as Autism is NOT a Psychiatric condition! It would be better served to have a monthly drop in service at a central location staffed by either a CPN or psychiatric social worker with Autism experience. This would then allow better triage of referred individuals who are having to manage life long conditions with little NHS support.

    • NHS England says:

      Many thanks for your comment.

      Please note that the commissioning responsibility for these services lies with local Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and local authorities, and not with NHS England. NICE Quality Standards for these services were published in January 2014, describing high priority areas for quality improvement. For more information, please go to:

      Kind Regards
      NHS England

  2. Stuart Woodyer says:

    Recent visit to Whiston Hospital. Appalling instances of neglect, lack of provision of food/water, pain relief, disparaging attitude and lack of respect by overworked and pressurised staff. Did full report for local Heath Watch.. Told this was ” too emotive ” for presentation to complaints body and would be censored. Also to be presented anonymously. All against my wishes. Why say you want to consult with service users if you ignore what they say? Peoples lives are being made miserable and someone will die soon of preventable causes.

    • NHS England says:

      Thank you for your comments. We will contact you directly in relation to your post.

      Kind Regards
      NHS England

  3. Mrs. J.P. Strother says:

    Maybe you could start by training NHS staff to be respectful of patients, cleaning up the appearance of staff generally, and putting a stop to the abuse of patients, particularly the older ones.

    The whole of the NHS requires this and going back to basics wouldn’t be a bad thing especially when it comes to visitors round beds, visitors using patient’s toilets, visitors and staff using disabled toilets, and the aggressive and abusive treatment of patients by visitors and staff if anything is said against this.

    This you could start with in order to give patients the correct treatment, otherwise all the good work made with medical treatment can often be swiftly undone and a waste of time.

    • NHS England says:

      Hi Mrs. Strother

      Thank you for your comments. This consultation is seeking public views and input on the policies listed above. These views are important to us because public and patient input help us to shape these policies to meet the needs of patients and improve our services. However, we note that your comment is in relation to wider issues and are sorry that you have had a negative experience of the NHS. If you would like to make a complaint about your specific experience, please contact our complaints team.

      Kind Regards
      NHS England