NHS England publishes further analysis of ‘Assuring Transformation’ data
NHS England has today published a more detailed analysis of the quarterly ‘Assuring Transformation’ data published on 16 May 2014. This data informs on progress on the NHS commitments in the Winterbourne View Concordat as of 31 March 2014.
The Winterbourne View Concordat is an action plan, published by the Department of Health in December 2012, to ensure that all people with learning disabilities receive the health care and support they need in the most appropriate setting. Too many people with learning disabilities end up unnecessarily in hospital and are staying there for too long. The Concordat aims to put measures in place to lead to a rapid reduction of this.
The data and analysis is being published by NHS England to publically show ongoing progress against the Concordat.
Today’s analysis shows that as at 31 March 2014:
- 35% of patients that were in hospital on 1 April 2013 have now been transferred.
- Of a total of 2,615 patients, 256 have a transfer date, of which 182 are before 1 June 1, 2014
- 1,702 patients do not have a planned transfer date due to a clinical decision preventing it. Many of these people have very complex needs. Some may be too ill or possibly a danger to themselves or the public. A total of 534 patients are in high or medium secure services and most are subject to Ministry of Justice order.
- 88% of people admitted in the 12 months after 1 March 2013 do not have a transfer date
- 81% of people who have not had a formal review in six months have been in hospital for over a year.
It shows that while some progress is being made, there needs to be much quicker adoption of measures to ensure that patients with learning disabilities have a plan in place so that they aren’t in hospital any longer than they need to be.
Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer for England, said: “Some people with learning disabilities have complex individual needs and need care planned to meet those needs. But a hospital is not a home and patients should never be in hospital longer than necessary. Much more needs to be done to ensure that each patient receives a regular review and has a plan and out of hospital care package in place so that they can return to their families and communities as soon as possible.
“We need to redouble our efforts and through the Winterbourne Joint Improvement Programme, we will continue working with our Area Teams and Clinical Commissioning Groups to ensure these patients receive the best possible care.”
The ‘Joint Improvement Programme’ jointly led by LGA and NHS England, is the body which is providing leadership and support to transform services locally, building on current good practice.
In May, England’s Chief Nursing Officer, Jane Cummings, wrote to all Area Teams and Clinical Commissioning Groups to ask for a progress update on transfer dates for people with learning disabilities who are in hospital settings.
It showed that 34% of people whose care is commissioned by Clinical Commissioning Groups have a planned discharge date within 12 months, the majority within six months.
NHS England also wrote to its Area Teams in June setting out six priority actions to focus on:
- All patients are on a register
- A local care co-ordinator is assigned to each patient
- Estimated transfer dates and care plan reviews
- A patient tracking list to schedule reviews for people who have not been assessed for six months
- CCGs with five or fewer patients should by the end of June 2014 ensure that all have a transfer date
- Patients in non-secure hospital settings for two or more years should be prioritised for review
View more information on the Winterbourne View Joint Improvement Programme.