
NHS England Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Citizen Assembly event tomorrow

NHS England is holding its second Annual General Meeting on 18 September 2014 at the Queen Elizabeth II conference centre, starting at 17.30 with registration from 17.00. It will take place in the Churchill room, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Westminster, London, SW1P 3EE.

If you can’t attend you can watch a live stream of the meeting and follow the conversation or join in on Twitter #NHSAGM.

Prior to the AGM we’ll be holding the first NHS Citizen Assembly, where citizens and the NHS England Board will discuss important issues for the NHS. This will test how citizens can take forward and discuss issues that have the potential to change what NHS England does in the future. You can also follow the conversation and join in on Twitter using the following hashtags.

  • Access to services – #FYFV
  • Mental Health services – #mentalhealth
  • Gender Identity services – #NHSGenderID
  • Young people’s healthcare – #NHSYF
  • Self-care and personalised services – #patientsincontrol

The NHS Citizen Assembly starts at 10.30 and concludes at 17.00.  You will be able to watch this on the NHS Citizen website.