My Voice, My Wheelchair, My Life: Join the conversation
My Voice, My Wheelchair, My Life is a programme of work to transform wheelchair services for users and their families.
For people with complex, long term conditions, being able to access the right wheelchair, quickly, and with appropriate support, is of paramount importance. Although there are plenty of examples of good practice around the country, unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. People often find themselves waiting a long time for wheelchairs, or they can develop secondary health complications resulting from an unsuitable wheelchair.
The vision of My Voice, My Wheelchair, My Life is to mobilise and galvanise commitment from a range of groups to transform wheelchair services to a point where users with complex and changing needs can always get the right wheelchair for their needs in a timely way, along with appropriate and continuing support.
NHS England and NHS Improving Quality are bringing together service users, carers, professional associations, manufacturers, clinical colleagues and commissioners from across England at a summit in London on 27 November 2014. Due to limited spaces, the summit is an invite-only event; however, there are many opportunities for people across the country to join in virtually, through live streaming, a live Twitter feed using #MyWheelchair, and online voting. The event starts at 10am on Thursday and more information on how you can join the conversation can be found on the live stream page.
Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson is supporting the event, and will attend the summit along with Rosamond Roughton, Director of NHS Commissioning who is the NHS England champion for this programme of work.