Building the NHS of the Five Year Forward View – NHS England Business Plan 2015/16
NHS England has published its business plan for 2015/16, summarising the headline goals and priorities for the year ahead. The plan sets out ten priorities to improve quality and access to services for patients, drive better value for money and to build the foundations for the future health and care system.
The ten priorities are:
- Improving the quality of care and access to cancer treatment
- Upgrading the quality of care and access to mental health and dementia services
- Transforming care for people with learning disabilities
- Tackling obesity and preventing diabetes
- Redesigning urgent and emergency care services
- Strengthening primary care services
- Timely access to high quality elective care
- Ensuring high quality and affordable specialised care
- Whole system change for future clinical and financial sustainability
- Foundations for improvement
The business plan commits to engage with our diverse communities in new ways, continuing to involve them directly in decisions about the future of health and care services and putting citizens at the centre of the design process of NHS services.
The plan describes how the increased financial settlement For 2015/16, along with further reallocated resources from NHS England, has resulted in a total of £1.98 billion for frontline services, helping to kick start the investment needed to create new care models and further invest in primary care.